Living well with ADHD, Anxiety, and Autistic Stress

Advice from our Maryland Therapists for LGBTQIA+ families, neurodiverse families, and YOU

The To Do List for Managing Stress
Self Care Robin Brannan Self Care Robin Brannan

The To Do List for Managing Stress

Even if we’re practicing excellent self care, some weeks threaten our sanity. When a week like this strikes, I run out of emotional energy. Most of us do. Here are my recommendations for staying strong in the worst of times:

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Managing Your Child’s Video Gaming
Parenting Robin Brannan Parenting Robin Brannan

Managing Your Child’s Video Gaming

Decisions about screen time are one of our generation’s greatest parenting challenges. The rapid changes in children’s use of technology leave us worrying that we might expose our children to something with consequences we don’t yet understand.

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You’ve Got Homework
Parenting Robin Brannan Parenting Robin Brannan

You’ve Got Homework

School is back in session, and that means you (the parent) have homework. There are lunches to pack, activities to schedule, emails to answer, and forms…so many forms to complete. These added tasks can amplify your stress, especially if you are chasing after children to do their tasks too. Here are a few tips for keeping up with your school year workload while keeping the stress at bay…

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Teaching Your Child to Say No
Parenting Robin Brannan Parenting Robin Brannan

Teaching Your Child to Say No

For many children, saying no to a friend or classmate feels frightening. It takes practice to know that our friends or family members can feel disappointed and still like us, and to understand that we can be nice people without saying yes to everything. When your child wants to say no to a peer and is having trouble, you can help.

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5 Easy Ways to Get Your Child’s Attention
Parenting Robin Brannan Parenting Robin Brannan

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Child’s Attention

Life is pretty busy these days. More often than we’d like, we find ourselves shouting out instructions to our kids in between items on our own task lists. And most of the time we end up repeating those instructions moments later. Here are a few fun ways to help your child hear your message the first time…

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What your therapist sees in you
Mental Health, Therapy Robin Brannan Mental Health, Therapy Robin Brannan

What your therapist sees in you

Being a therapist is a privilege. Every clinician I know feels this way. We’re honored, and frankly a little surprised that we get to do this work every day. That description sounds a little too pretty for a job that involves connecting with people’s pain, but at its core it is absolutely true. Here’s what your therapist sees when she/he looks at you…

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